Sunday, November 13, 2016

Episode IX: Return of the Blog Post

Hey everybody! This last month and a half since the last blog post I made seems like it has gone on forever. To put how long it's been in perspective, when I wrote my last blog post, the second presidential debate hadn’t occurred yet, people still weren’t stressed about November 1st college application deadlines, and I was still only working on my outline for my literature review. Obviously, a lot has happened since then!

    In this time, I went from a line of reasoning, to a fully completed, peer edited literature review. Although the refining and writing process was full of roadblocks, redbulls, and revisions, in the end, I’m proud of the finished product.
Image result for Great Success Meme
To me, it is crazy how much I have accomplished in less than four months of being in AP research. I know, that for the first few weeks of the class, I felt as if I was floundering around when I did not know what I wanted to do for my project. However, after I figured out that I wanted to research the components of successful charter schools, I found that this resulted in greater motivation and a better quality of work.

    After talking broadly about what I did this past trimester, I am now going to discuss what I did in a little more detail. After determining what my general topic of inquiry was, I then read most of the important literature surrounding charter schools, how they perform, and the theory behind their origins. As I read each source, I took notes on the important details and compiled this information on both a google document and in the spreadsheet. After reading my sources, I was then given the task of writing the annotated bibliography for the 20 or so sources that I had read on my topic. Although it was a significant task, I found that it was really beneficial for me because it made me think about the connections between my sources and the implications of such. As a result, this was really useful in helping me to construct my line of reasoning.

    Throughout this process, the line of reasoning was probably the most difficult part. Although I had the annotated bibliography to help me out, the line of reasoning is what requires the most brainstorming and thinking. That is because it is during this time that the connections and organization for the paper is created. Although it is not a very fun task to do, this is the segment that determined how good my literature review is. After that though, I found that the most difficult part of the actual literature review was cutting it down. For me, my sentences are often very verbose, and so it was somewhat of a struggle to not only cut out unnecessary information, but to also make my phrasing more concise.

    Now that the literature review is done though, it is time to move onto developing my research methods. I know I have mentioned this in the past, but this is still something that I am somewhat apprehensive about. As I stated in the past, I am still unsure how exactly I plan on going about designing my independent research; however, the fact that I now get to dedicate time to focus solely on answering this question is comforting.

    I look forward bringing back the blog posts and keeping everybody up to date on what is happening on my project. Until next week!


  1. Hi Brian, I am happy to hear that everything is going swell. The line of reasoning was probably the most difficult part for everyone, so don't feel left out. I was pretty doubtful myself, I think I recall getting roasted in a blog post for not reaching out a few weeks back. Cutting down verbose vocabulary is something I struggled with as well because no one could understand what I was saying before I broke it down for them. Designing the independent research will be tough, but don't be discouraged by the limitations. There are plenty of opportunities to explore your research question within the BASIS Scottsdale Charter environment. Good luck in researching your methods!

  2. Froggy frog, I'm glad that we've all put this giant task of the literature review somewhat behind us and that we've all chosen our topics. It seems so weird that just a few months ago we all had no idea what we would be doing and HERE WE ARE doing it! It's amazing that we've all come so far.

    Compiling everything was a crazy time for all of us and I think we can all empathize with the fact that we were just drowning under all our sources, but it definitely made a great foundation. Finding the gap was hard, but now that we've done it, and now that you've done it, we're all heading in a great direction!! I'm super excited to learn more about your research since it's directly related to the thing in my life that takes so much out of me!!!

    I think that if you look really closely at the methods of other studies, you'll definitely find a good avenue of research. BASIS is right here and Arizona has so many charter schools. It may seem daunting now, but HAVE NO FEAR!

    Woohoo go froggy frog!

