Sunday, January 22, 2017

Preparation in Progress

Hey everybody! Only a couple more weeks until I am out conducting my independent research. Because this time is approaching so quickly, today’s blog post will discuss where I am in implementing my methods and how this correlates with the schedule I created for myself several posts back.

              Currently, I have not started conducting my research yet, however I am in the process of preparing to begin my research soon. For my research, I will be implementing surveys, interviews, and classroom observations to get as complete of an understanding of the school I will be researching as possible. For my surveys, all my questions have been written, the survey has been created on Survey Monkey, and the link has been sent out to Mrs. Haag to be distributed to teachers.  

For my interviews, I have informally talked to all eight of the teachers that I want to interview, and have received verbal consent to interview these teachers. Additionally, my interview questions for these teachers have been written, and I am currently in the process of planning the logistics for when I can interview these teachers. I have not yet asked the head of school for an interview yet, however I have been given permission to conduct my research in the building.

Lastly, for my classroom observations, I have directly spoken to all but one teacher about observing their classrooms; however, this one teacher is aware that I would like to observe their class, but I just need to find them to confirm this in person. From the teachers I have spoken to, I have been given their teaching schedules, and so I am in the process of planning the days and times for when I want to come in and observe classes. Once I have received the schedule from the last teacher, then I will finalize my schedule for when I want to come in. This is so not only I can plan, but also so that the teachers can have advance notice for when they should be expecting me. Additionally, for my observations, I have the coding sheet that I intend to use for my observations. Because of this, once I am finished with my classes on February 2, then I will be ready to observe classes starting the following week.

Currently, I am almost on schedule. This past week was supposed to be used for gathering general information about the school I will be studying; however, after the critique of my methods, this part has been for the most part removed. In my schedule, I said that I planned to start conducting interviews in the next week. Because I am currently focused on perfecting my methods and literature review sections, I do not plan to do interviews this week; however, I will send out emails this week to set up interviews for the next several weeks. Despite this setback, I believe that this will not be a problem because I will have over three weeks to conduct these interviews. As long as they are all complete by February 18, then I will have enough time to do my data analysis. With this being said though, I would like to be done conducting interviews by February 11, so I can get a head start on my data analysis.

That’s all for this week! I will be continuing to prepare for conducting my research, and look forward to blogging again soon. See you all next week!


  1. Brian, I would try working on securing actual dates and times for the teacher interviews. In other words, while people may in theory want to help, when you try to actual pin down details, they may be unavailable. Therefore, reach out to those people and see if you can get dates and times worked out as quickly as possible, also to ensure that you can accomplish completing the interviews in the three weeks you have set aside.

    Also, I would get secure dates and times for the observations as well.

  2. Hey Brian! I think that you've taken some really great steps in conducting your research and I am confident that you will get everything done if you stick to your schedule. But I agree with Ms. Haag in that you really need to set specific times and dates so teachers have time to reschedule if they need to cancel. Also, I would make sure to conduct more of your observations and surveys and everything earlier in the time period, even if you're at school a heck ton at the beginning, because it's better to have all your data than to be analyzing and realize you ran out of time. You feel? But solid plan, and I know you'll do a great job!

  3. Hi Brian! It is good to see that you have completed all the preliminary steps (creating the coding sheet, survey, and emailing for interviews). Once you secure definite dates and definite written consent/permission as well (as now you only have verbal), you will be on the right track for completing everything on time. I agree with Daphne and Mrs. Haag, things can come up unexpectedly like teachers getting sick or finals week/prep possibly interfering with their availability. So, for their sake and yours make sure you schedule observing times and interviews with specific times and dates as soon as possible. Especially during this end of the trimester time and close to end of year, teachers will get busy with letter of recommendation for summer programs and grading and all the other stuff that comes up. Once you have written consent and planned out the schedule though with allowing for more time for data collection at the school, then I am sure you will finish ahead of time!
