Hey Everybody! We are
only a couple weeks away from being done with our entire projects! This has
been such long but rewarding process, and I am so proud of what everyone has
accomplished. I have made a lot of progress in the past week as I reorganized
most of results and discussion section. Also, I got a lot of good feedback,
created my presentation, and wrote my script. Needless to say, I have been
pretty busy!
As I
worked on my script, I noticed that my main problem was that I had trouble
cutting my script down. Since we only have 15 minutes to deliver our
presentation, I did the math and figured out that my script should be just over
2000 words to fit it all in the time. In order to do this, I had to cut out a
lot evidence and information to make the cut. Additionally, I completely
removed the section where I provided my qualitative analysis of each theme.
This is one of the points that I would like to ask my group members about
because I feel like I had a lot of my nuance and understanding in this section,
but I thought that it would take too much time to go through each of my seven
themes one by one. My plan right now is just to talk about what themes I
identified, and then provide the quantitative analysis to prove that they were
present from my thematic analysis. From there, I was just planning to then move
onto my discussion to provide my analysis. What do you guys think about this
moving onto the rubric. I think that I do a solid job for row 1 with articulating
my question, method, and conclusion. Row 2, as I just mentioned, I think might
be a problem. I think that I still clearly demonstrate what data I gathered and
prove that it is valid, and then tie it to my conclusions, but I feel like I am
kind of missing the essence of my project without these qualitative results.
This is something that I am going to have to work on further to figure out if
maybe I can incorporate them in a more concise way. I think that I do a decent
job with row 3 describing how my thought processes have changed in my
conclusion, however, I may need to add a little bit more to this part because I
think some of this may have been unintentionally cut. Lastly, for row 4, I
think that my presentation might need some more work. The problem with my
presentation is that it is hard to add visual aids to what I am talking about,
besides the graphs in my results section.
Anyways, I look forward
to seeing everybody else’s presentations and scripts this week. Until next